Discipline Policy
To many people, discipline means punishment. But, actually to discipline means to teach, rather than punish. Discipline should be a positive way of helping and guiding children to achieve self-control. Physical punishment such as hitting, slapping, and verbal abuse, is not effective. Physical punishment can discourage and embarrass children and develop low self-esteem in them. Our goal, at Precious Moments Learning Center & Daycare, is to teach children acceptable behavior so that they will make wise decisions when dealing with problems.
Communication with you, the parents, is very important to us. We know that you are very concerned about your child's progress and their behavior. Therefore, a daily report is sent home describing your child's day. Also, we take pride in our open door policy. If you have any concerns about your child's behavior, we are available for conferences. We do ask; if it is not an emergency, please stop by the office to schedule an appointment. This will allow us the opportunity to have your child's caregiver present.
- Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he/she is demonstrating acceptable behavior.
- Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.
- "When…Then" Statements: A statement in which the child is encouraged to accomplish something before going on to something else. Sample: When you finish picking up the blocks, then you can go outside."
- "If…Then" Statements: A statement in which the child is encouraged to make a positive choice. Sample: "If you pick up the blocks, then you can go to the Reading Area."
- Take A Break: The child is separated from the group for a child-regulated period of time. This technique is only when a child is exhibiting temper tantrum type behavior or hurting self, others, or equipment. When the child shows that he/she is ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior, the child is encouraged to join the rest of the group and try again.
Our staff is well-trained, talented and experienced. Providing positive role models, establishing guidelines and helping children learn to make good decisions on their own is the essence of our discipline policy.
Continued discipline issues that are demanding one-on-one care will result in parental involvement including notes, telephone, and eventually visits to the center. Childcare Service will be terminated for parents who are not able to train their child to adapt to a group care setting.
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