Precious Moments Learning Center & Daycare accepts only well children. We depend on our parents and staff to maintain this policy that will insure the health of all children.
Each child must have a Certificate of Immunization Compliance (Form 121) before entering our center.
Be sure to notify our center of any special medical conditions which warrant medical attention. This is especially true of allergies. If your child requires a special diet for medical reasons, a physician's written prescription must be submitted.
Your pediatrician's written statement is needed if your child is well enough to attend the center, but needs to remain indoors.
Should your child become ill during the day we will notify you to pick up your child immediately. Generally, temperatures over 101 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, or eyes that are tearing, matting or draining are sufficient cause to call. Should your child be diagnosed with a contagious illness, please alert the center so that other parents can be notified.
Children must be fever-free (without fever-reducing medication) for twenty-four hours before returning to the center. A child that is sent home with excessive diarrhea must be diarrhea free for twenty-four hours before returning to the center. Contagious conditions such as head lice, ringworms, etc. require treatment before the child will be allowed to return to the center. . An Updated Shot Record is required when a child receives a new shot. Failure to do is a $5.00 charge.
Our center can only administer medication with a completed medication consent form. This form must include name of medication, dosage, time to be administered, and parent's signature.
Prescription drugs must be in the original container with the child's name on the prescription label. All medications and medication consent form must be handed to a staff member.
For minor injuries first aid is administered. Treatment is limited to cleansing and bandaging. All staff members are trained in first aid and CPR. An accident form is sent home for each injury, no matter how minor. For serious injuries you will be notified immediately while the child is taken to the emergency facility. It is extremely important that you keep the center informed of the most current emergency telephone number where you can be reached. We also need at least two alternate numbers in case you cannot be reached.
Meals and Nutrition
We believe that eating nutritious food and developing healthy eating habits is an important part of growing up. A breakfast snack is served to all children present from 8:00 - 9:00 each morning. A delicious, well balanced lunch is served each day and an afternoon snack is provided as well. Our menus are approved by the Mississippi State Department of Health and are posted in our front foyer. We do not use food as a reward or punishment to our children. No outside food is welcome unless enough is provided for the entire class.
Please bring necessary food and prepared bottles labeled with name. It is very important that infants receive their breakfast feeding at home before arrival at center. (A hungry baby is not able to wait for staff members to receive instructions from parents, unload baby bags, and prepare bottle and cereal.)
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