Preschool & Kindergarten
We believe that our center is the ideal environment in which to begin a lifetime of learning. Our school recognizes children as individuals with their own capabilities and limitations. Beginning in our Two Year Old Classrooms, we use the A Beka Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum along with other fun activities and learning tools to create an environment conducive to the development of the whole child.
In our Infant programs the staff follows each child's own individual schedule rather than a set classroom schedule. Therefore, curriculum and schedules happen naturally and differently each day.
One Year Old Curriculum
Children are now upright; walking, eating table food and taking only one nap a day. They are on a schedule where their friends are doing the same type of activities at the same time. Our program focuses on the following developmental areas: physical, emotional, social and cognitive. In addition, children will be able to use their newly discovered independence skills as they explore their environment. Staff will encourage children to use self-help skills as they provide basic need care. Routines are essential at this age to help children predict the events that will occur during the day. Consistent limits are set for children so they can determine boundaries.
Two Year Old Curriculum
Language Arts: Recognition of name, sound and picture for short vowels. Recognition of name and picture consonants.
Numbers: simple counting 1 to 10. Recognition of numbers 1 to 10.
Recognition of shapes and alphabet
Nursery Rhymes, Bible Stories, Spanish.
Three Year Old Curriculum
Language Arts: Recognition of name sound, and picture for short vowels and consonants. Formation of vowels and consonants in upper and lower case.
Recognition of the days of weeks and months
Manuscript Writing : Formation of letters. Writing of first name.
Numbers: Simple Counting 1 to 50, number concepts 1 to 15.
Nursery Rhymes, Bible Stories, Spanish, Computer, Physical Education.
Four & Five Year Old Curriculum
Language Arts: Phonics and Reading, recognition of name, sound, and picture of long and short vowel words. Reading of sentences and stories with one and two vowel words.
Numbers: Recognition and counting 1 to 100, number concepts 1 to 20, numbers before and after 1 to 20.
Manuscript Writing: Formation of letters, blend words and sentences. Writing of first name and last name.
Numbers Largest and Smallest 1 to 20. Simple Addition.
Nursery Rhymes, Bible Stories, Spanish, Computer, Physical Education.
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